27 de noviembre de 2007
26 de noviembre de 2007
La personalidad Libra...
Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! However, not the kind of person you want to mess with... you might end up crying... Libras can cause as much havoc as they can prevent. Faithful friends to the end, but can hold a grudge for years.
Hay veces en que las estrellas simplemente tienen razón...
21 de noviembre de 2007
Un buen consejo...
"Baijiu (literally, "white liquor") is the most dangerous drink in China. (...) Despite having an alcoholic content similar to western liquors, a fiery shot of baijiu packs a punch that seems to go beyong other liquors. Think of it as China's answer to Mezcal".
- Quien escribió esto probablemente no tiene ni idea de lo que es el mezcal (o el 白酒)... he de decir que ambos han pasado por mi entrenada garganta, y... bueno, la respuesta china ha sido más... intensa.
- Yo creo que una de las bebidas más peligrosas de China, ¡¡es la cerveza!! Es tan terriblemente barata que asusta, y más aún, tiene un contenido de alcohol bajo, por lo que uno toma, y toma, y toma, y toma, y toma.......... (mi qi ya sufrió un desbalance por culpa de ello)
- ¿Qué hay del ergoutou pekinés? ¡DIOS qué bebida más fuerte!
- Quizá la bebida más peligrosa (y esto es meramente opinión personal) , son las botellas de agua de un yuan (1.40 pesos mexicanos) que venden en la calle... inofensivamente uno piensa que es mejor refrescarse con una botellita de agua en lugar de una rica coca-cola (o cualquier otra bebida de su preferencia), o de perdida más sano. Pues, a decir verdad, yo no compraría agua en la calle si cuesta menos de 1.50 (aunque en promedio me toca pagar 2). Claro, esto no aplica a tienditas ya establecidas en donde pagar 1 kuai (otro nombre para el yuan) por botella no es tan raro. Sip, el agua en China también puede ser fake. ¡Preocúpense más si el vendedor comienza a bajar el precio! ¿Alguna vez se han preguntado en dónde terminan todas esas botellitas que la gente "asalta" del bote de basura?
19 de noviembre de 2007
Imagínense el nuevo programa de rehabilitación de menores jaja
Ahora me pregunto, cómo serían los nuevos programas de rehabilitación si tomaran en cuenta este estudio?? más de un adolescente precoz y curiosón hasta se metería en problemas con la ley!
Study: Early sexual activity may curb teen delinquency
BEIJING, Nov. 19 (Xinhuanet) -- Teens who start having sex at an early age may be less likely to engage in delinquent behavior in early adulthood than teens who wait until they're older to have sex, a study in the online edition of the Journal of Youth and Adolescence said Monday.The findings contradict the widely held belief that early sexual activity is associated with later drug use, criminality, antisocial behavior, and emotional problems. For example, two studies published earlier this year in the journal found a link between early teen sex and later behavioral problems.
"We got a very surprising finding, particularly that early sex seems to forecast less antisocial behavior a few years later, rather than more," lead researcher Kathryn Paige Harden, a Ph.D. candidate in clinical psychology at the University of Virginia, said in a prepared statement.
From their analysis of data on 534 same-sex twin pairs collected between 1994 and 2002, the researchers also concluded that sex at an earlier age may help teens develop better social relationships in early adulthood.
"There is a cultural assumption in the United States that if teens have sex early, it is somehow bad for their psychological health. But we actually found that teens who had sex earlier seem to have better relationships later. Now we want to find out why," she said.In the next phase of this research, Harden plans to closely examine the contexts of early teen sexual activity, such as the types of relationships, the age of the partners, where the sex occurred and why, and how long, the relationships lasted.
"Our hypothesis as a result of this finding is that teens who become involved in intimate romantic relationships early are having sex early and more often, but that those intimate relationships might later protect them from becoming involved in delinquent acts," Harden said.